About Eidos Christian Center
An increasingly secular culture has emerged in the United States. Along with this, the church has grown anti-intellectual and out of touch with the historical principles of spiritual formation so important to a vibrant Christian faith that unites both head and heart to the good of the church and the society at large. But I believe a great harvest is coming to North America and, indeed, around the world in the next 15-20 years. But history teaches us that awakening or revival never lasts if it is not accompanied by four values:
- A strong commitment to Christian thought and worldview;
- A vibrant commitment to spiritual life, inner growth, and tenderness towards Christ and others;
- The value of community and serving other parts of the body of Christ and not worrying about who gets the credit;
- An activist orientation towards promoting a Christian worldview and fulfilling the Great Commission.
What is needed is a venue that fosters, educates and promotes a Christian worldview embodying these four values, largely through philosophy, ethics, apologetics, and biblical teaching, combined with an emphasis on authentic spirituality and formation that is both practiced and preached by those promoting these ideas.
To meet this need, and, more specifically, to empower and free me up, along with two to three other fellows, to play a unique role in spreading these values and for which I have unique training and experience, I and three other trustees formed the Eidos Christian Center.
Eidos is an acronym: E (equipping) I (intelligent) D (disciples) O (outreach) S (spirituality).
(The idea of eidos also has a long, rich history in Aristotle, Plato and Edmund Husserl. Generally speaking, it refers to the essence of a thing or the phenomenological apprehension of thing's essence).
The purpose of the Center is the education in and promotion of a Christian worldview and the practice of spiritual formation by embodying and fostering the four values listed above.
This is done through requiring 1) fellows of the Center to do research and to practice spiritual formation and seek mentoring themselves so as to be authentically practicing what they preach; 2) fellows to participate in lectures, seminars, conferences, ratio/TV interviews for the general public or church groups; 3) the production of media, workbooks, articles, books and other educational materials promoting a Christian worldview and spiritual formation; 4) fellows to consult with other Christian organizations and mentor Christian leaders and laypersons in Christian worldview and spiritual formation.
The ministry of Eidos, including this website, will continue to expand depending on the support we receive from people who share our values.
If you are one of those people, please consider partnering with us financially through a one-time or monthly gift.
Click Here to Donate.
Thanks for considering Eidos!
J.P. Moreland
Founder and Director