TONIGHT! Confident Christianity Apologetics Conference
November 4, 2011
Come learn how to proclaim the truth of Christianity in an age of unbelief!
On Hearing from God: Some Objections (Part One)
November 3, 2011
How might we think about some objections to “hearing God”?
A “Kingdom Triangle” for a Charismatic Reformation
November 1, 2011
J. Lee Grady is to be commended for envisioning a “Charismatic Reformation” of thought and practices.
An Insight from Nikolai Stavrogin’s Story: Part Three in a Series
October 31, 2011
We, along with Dostoveysky’s Stavrogin, are invited to let go of our distorted self-images and stand before God, trusting that we are loved and accepted fully and completely.
A Self in Despair: Part Two of Nikolai Stavrogin’s story
October 24, 2011
Interesting insights about one of Dostoveysky’s characters and how his “self in is despair,” with interactions with Rowan Williams
Doing Philosophy as a Christian
October 17, 2011
Garry DeWeese’s book, Doing Philosophy as a Christian, is must-reading for anyone who cares about how scripture and philosophy integrate
Associated Blog Contributors: Bradley, Setian, Bayless
October 17, 2011
Learn more about our Associated Blog Contributors and their contribution to jpmoreland.com
Going for a Walk with Universals
October 16, 2011
A God who communicates and guides, heals the sick and answers prayers, doesn’t follow from a belief in universals; but rejecting a belief in a merely physical world certainly prepares the way.
An “Empty Self” in Dostoyevsky
October 14, 2011
Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s character, Nikolai Stavrogin, helps us discern a little more about the what it is like to be an “empty self.”
Does something’s truth depend on how you come to believe it?
October 14, 2011
Learn how to spot the genetic fallacy!