Christianity, Politics & the State
September 30, 2011
Listen live to J.P.’s remarks from Washington, D.C.
Handling Life’s Inequalities
August 10, 2011
Do you struggle with life’s inequalities? Come hear J.P.’s talk at his home church, the Vineyard Anaheim
On Hearing from God: Two Perspectives
August 5, 2011
It is widely believed by Christians (in my view, correctly so) that God still speaks to people. The question many have is how to discern when this happens. A good book here is Dallas Willard’s Hearing God. I would like to add a few reflections to Willard’s excellent treatment. First, one can learn to discern […]
On Resurrection Hope in a Hopeless World
April 28, 2011
J.P. articulates the meaning and value of the resurrection of Jesus
Reasonable Faith in an Uncertain World
April 27, 2011
Come hear J.P. Moreland speak on God and the Nature of Science at this apologetics equipping conference!
The Bible and Neuroscience on Promiscuity
April 4, 2011
How recent neuroscience findings attest to scripture’s wisdom.
Reasonable Faith in an Uncertain World: 2011 Apologetics Conference
April 1, 2011
Learn reasons and evidences for why the soul really exists and what difference that makes for Christian witness
Responding with Reason and Precision
April 1, 2011
Come join J.P. Moreland and several other thought influencers for an apologetics equipping opportunity in Houston, Texas
On Hope for the Hopeless
March 15, 2011
How can we learn to grow in hope and defeat the power of hopelessness?
New Moreland Courses At Talbot School of Theology
March 7, 2011
New Moreland Electives at Talbot School of Theology