Teaching Philosophy of Mind at Talbot School of Theology
November 29, 2010
How and why teaching philosophy of mind is important
West Coast Chinese Christian Conference on Discipleship
November 25, 2010
Come join J.P. for a special conference on discipleship!
Critique of Graham Oppy’s Objection Against God’s Existence
November 18, 2010
Notification about a response to Graham Oppy against his objections to an argument from consciousness
Aslan Still Roars Near and Far
October 14, 2010
Encouraging evidence of how God speaks through dreams
Sam Harris Can’t Explain Crucial Facts
October 14, 2010
Why should Sam Harris be trusted if he can’t explain important facts that resist his theory of human beings and of morality?
Who is God?
September 24, 2010
An interactive workshop with J.P. Moreland on life’s biggest question!
Scientism Makes Scientists Laughable
September 22, 2010
The latest book by Stephen Hawkings is further evidence of how scientism makes us intellectually unsophisticated
Will We Recover a Supernatural Character to our Christianity?
September 17, 2010
A recent “Global Conversations” article from Christianity Today understands the importance of a supernaturalistic Christianity.
A History of Christian Thought by Philosophers
September 13, 2010
A recommended book on the history of Christian thought that will be useful for the classroom and personal study
Impact 360 Lecture Series
September 10, 2010
Outstanding lecture series by J.P. at Impact 360