New Book on Thinking Biblically About Politics
September 10, 2010
A few initial observations about Wayne Grudem’s latest book on politics
Interview with Apologetics 315
September 7, 2010
A fabulous interview that reveals J.P.’s passion and thinking about life and the Kingdom of God
A Flaw in Evolutionary Psychology
September 2, 2010
J.P. discusses a serious flaw with evolutionary psychology and its view of human beings.
Relating to God When He Hides
August 27, 2010
J.P. offers some practical advice about how to remain faithfully seeking God when He seems absent
Prophecy, Prayer and the Hiddenness of God
August 26, 2010
Learn about an exciting audio series on hearing God, the hiddenness of God and petitionary prayer
Is Your Life Integrated?
August 22, 2010
The integration of worldview and vocation is meaningful and dignifying to being a human being, and this is all the more indispensable for followers of Jesus.
Careful Distinctions Needed in “Happiness Studies”
August 20, 2010
New book underscores the importance of recognizing how contemporary “happiness” is so elusive.
Welcome to JPMoreland.com
August 14, 2010
Learn about some of the feature of jpmoreland.com, a dynamic clearinghouse for content by J.P. Moreland!
Accounting for the imago Dei
August 13, 2010
If Christianity is true, then certain features should characterize human beings. Those features do, in fact, characterize human beings. Thus, these features provide a degree of confirmation for Christianity.
How I Teach Metaphysics I
August 13, 2010
J.P. describes how he teaches Metaphysics 1 and utilizes main texts in class.