Hollywood Stars to the Rescue Again
September 7, 2021
J. P. Moreland replies to ‘arguments’ from media and entertainment elites that react to the recent Texas law limiting abortions.
Powerfully Illuminating Life in the Womb
August 14, 2021
J. P. Moreland previews the latest video that illuminates life in the womb.
Problems with “Worldview-as-Glasses”
April 23, 2021
This paper clarifies, critiques, and presents a better alternative to the view that a worldview is a set of glasses through which we see the world.
Beginner’s Guide to Philosophy Becomes More Resourceful!
March 15, 2021
The 2nd edition of Philosophy Made Slightly Less Difficult deepens introductory treatment of major philosophical issues.
Dave Beck’s history of the question, “Does God exist?”
March 14, 2021
A highly recommended book about the arguments pro/con for the existence of God.
Philosopher Lydia McGrew on “The Gospel of John as Historical Reportage”
March 10, 2021
Lydia McGrew shows us why we can continue to trust the historicity of the gospel accounts.
“Finding Quiet” and a Flourishing Mind
October 18, 2020
J. P. Moreland is interviewed by Vineyard Anaheim pastor, Alan Scott, discussing insights from J. P. book, “Finding Quiet.”
Why Most Evangelical Christians are Political Conservatives
October 11, 2020
J.P. Moreland reflects on how Christians should have a biblical view of the role of the state and a social ethic worked out within the framework of a solid Christian worldview
The Brilliance of Tom Gilson’s New Book
August 10, 2020
J.P. Moreland recommends Tom Gilson’s work for the way it approaches the gospels and the insights that can be gained by that approach.
New Video Series on “The Mirror or The Mask”
August 5, 2020
J.P. Moreland introduces a new video series by Lydia McGrew that is designed to educate on the relevant issues and as a response to Michael Licona, Craig Evans, and others.