Three “Kingdom Triangle” Book Recommendations
August 17, 2012
Consider recent book recommendations by J.P. that are relevant to Kingdom Triangle.
What Would Jesus Think or Do?
August 11, 2012
How does Jesus have any relevancy for our life today? How might we think about appropriating his authority and teaching as a guide for how we are to live today?
Royal Confusions about the Support of Chick-fil-A
August 5, 2012
Did Christians who participated in supporting the Chick-fil-A (CFA) restaurants fail miserably to do the right thing as Christians?
Objections to Hearing God (Part Six): An additional response to “Does God ‘Try’?”
July 24, 2012
This part of the “Objections to Hearing God” series describe cases of missing some instance of divine communication that “Does God Try” proponents would likely acknowledge occur, and yet would agree pose no threat to omnipotence.
Objections to Hearing God (Part Five): A response to “Does God ‘Try’?”
July 19, 2012
This post continues the interesting series about objections to hearing God by discerning whether if we can “miss it” when God speaks, then “hearing God” is incompatible with the doctrine of divine omnipotence.
Barbara Walters on Heaven: An Intellectual Disappointment
July 10, 2012
The recent ABC special on Heaven (with Barbara Walters) is evidence of how mainstream journalists are out of touch with contemporary theistic and Christian scholarship on the afterlife.
Lessons from Bonaventure on the Spirituality of Work
July 10, 2012
Bonaventure offers us wisdom for thinking about a theology of work and life and what it means to care for people for their vocations in the world.
On Second-Person Experiences and “Hearing God”
June 20, 2012
Juliet offers an application of Eleonore Stump’s “second-person experience” thesis to the discussion on “hearing God.”
Michael Shermer on Evolutionary Accounts of Ethical Beliefs
April 22, 2012
How might we think of evolutionary accounts of beliefs? J.P. Moreland replies to Michael Shermer
The Holy Spirit in Mission: Interview with Gary Tyra (Part Two)
April 20, 2012
In this interview, theology scholar Gary Tyra develops some of the main concepts in his book, The Holy Spirit in Mission, along with talking about the implications of his thesis for theology and the church.