The Raising of Lazarus
April 2, 2012
Juliet Setian ponders Lazarus’ resurrection and the gift of glory.
Objections to Hearing God (Part Four): Does God “Try”?
April 2, 2012
What do you think of the idea that, if God speaks, we could “miss” it? Tim Bayless considers this question.
Is “Missing” Something in Communication Merely “Not Hearing”?
April 2, 2012
Tim Bayless offers some crucial distinctions regarding what it means for us us to “miss” God’s communication.
Highlights from Love Your God with All Your Mind
April 1, 2012
Enjoy some interesting highlights from one of J.P.’s most popular books.
Moreland Books Available for the Kindle
April 1, 2012
Enjoy Kindle versions of many of J.P. Moreland’s books!
On God and Abstract Objects: A Realist Sketch
March 30, 2012
How might one be a realist about God and abstract objects?
The Holy Spirit in Mission: Interview with Gary Tyra (Part One)
March 29, 2012
In this interview, theology scholar Gary Tyra introduces some of the main concepts in his book, The Holy Spirit in Mission
Is there anything Sacred?
February 24, 2012
Juliet Setian interacts with Dostoyevky and Eleonore Stump on the “sacred.”
Benefit from Partnering
December 27, 2011
Please support Eidos Christian Center in your 2011 year-end giving!
Objections to “Hearing God” (Part Three): The Value of Testimony and Experience
December 27, 2011
Timothy Bayless discusses how testimony and experience are important categories for assessing “hearing God” claims.