How is Christ in Our Midst? A Christmas Reflection
December 24, 2011
Christ is often in our midst in ways that we might not expect. Juliet helps our eyes to be trained to see rightly.
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION SERIES (Part Four): Developmental perspective
December 23, 2011
How should we view spiritual direction in light of the developmental factors of the directee? What difference does this make for the ministry of spiritual direction?
With Henri Nouwen, Learning to Practice Advent Waiting
November 29, 2011
In light of Advent, how might we think of what it means to “wait for God”?
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION SERIES (Part Three): Methodology Of Spiritual Direction
November 29, 2011
How might we think about the methodology of spiritual direction and the difference that makes for the practice of direction?
Objections to “Hearing God” (Part Two): The Question of Methodology
November 29, 2011
How should we respond to methodological objections against “hearing God”? Associated Blog Contributor, Timothy Bayless, offers a perspective.
“Hearing God”: A Biblical Case?
November 29, 2011
What are some factors to consider when thinking about a biblical case for “hearing God”?
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION SERIES (Part Two): Spiritual Direction Distinguished from Spiritual Guidance
November 23, 2011
Learn from Ryan Bradley about how to understand spiritual direction in light of what is spiritual guidance
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION SERIES (Part One): Confused About Spiritual Direction? You’re Not The Only One…
November 19, 2011
Enjoy part one of multi-part series on what is spiritual direction, written by Associated Blog Contributor, Ryan Bradley
Philosophy and Apologetics Speaking in San Francisco and Berkeley
November 9, 2011
J.P.’s speaking tour in San Francisco and Berkeley, California, November 16th-18th
Kierkegaard’s Analysis of Despair & Concluding Insights on Nikolai Stavrogin
November 8, 2011
How might we think of Soren Kierkegaard’s “demonic despair”?