Philosophical Apologetics, the Church, and Contemporary Culture
May 16, 2022
J.P. Moreland outlines the contours for a contemporary and contextual use of philosophical apologetics.
April 23, 2021
This paper clarifies, critiques, and presents a better alternative to the view that a worldview is a set of glasses through which we see the world
Correcting the Strawmen: Why Most Evangelical Christians are Political Conservatives
October 7, 2020
J.P. Moreland explains what an Evangelical is, and proceeds to offering two lines of reasoning concerning why most Evangelicals are ethical and political conservatives.
The Government Has a “Limited” Role To Fulfill in Society
July 10, 2013
This article argues that, when properly interpreted, biblical teaching implies a minimal government with a specific function.
Keeping Vineyard Distinctives in the Plausibility Structure: A Reflection on Kingdom Epistemology
April 20, 2013
While addressed to pastors and scholars within the Vineyard Association of Churches, there are lessons to be learned in this paper for other theological traditions and movements seeking to maintain their integrity in the midst of cultural pressures.
Philosophical Note on Nagel’s Mind and Cosmos
March 7, 2013
What are the benefits of Nagel’s argument in Mind and Cosmos, both on its own merit and in light of other critiques of the Darwinian materialist paradigm?
A Conceptualist Argument for a Spiritual Substantial Soul
December 1, 2011
A conceptualist argument for substance dualism is advanced in this conference presentation
Substance Dualism and Self-Awareness
November 27, 2011
An argument from self awareness – that we are simple, spiritual substances – is advanced in this conference presentation.
Response to Graham Oppy’s Objections Against AC
November 20, 2011
An EPS 2011 conference paper response to Graham Oppy’s criticisms against my argument from consciousness for the existence of God.
Defining “Evangelical” in Public Discourse
September 30, 2011
This short article offers a workable definition of what is an Evangelical and why that matters for public discourse about Evangelical witness.