A Simple Guide to Experience Miracles: Instruction and Inspiration for Living Supernaturally in Christ
Date Published: 11/16/2021
Filled with inspiring, credible, motivating accounts of miracles, the book covers five different kinds of supernatural activities and provides practical wisdom about how to begin practices, such as healing prayer and learning to deal with the demonic.
Beyond Death
Date Published: 1/2004
Our book is a meaty 450+ page discussion on a whole host of issues regarding the meaning and significance of immortality and how the Christian worldview makes sense of this reality.
Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology
Date Published: 6/15/2009
This volume represents some of the foremost practitioners and influencers in contemporary analytic natural theology.
Body & Soul
Date Published: 4/2000
The perspective of Body & Soul continues to be relevant to issues in ethics and philosophical-theological anthropology.
Christian Perspectives on Being Human
Date Published: 4/1993
Christian Perspectives on Being Human hosts a stimulating discussion on how to think about human beings from the advantage point of biblical worldview integration.
Christianity and the Nature of Science
Date Published: 6/1/1999
One of the most crucial issues facing Christians living in the twenty-first century is how to think about the authority of science as a source of knowledge in relationship to other sources of knowledge, such as philosophy and theology.
Confident Faith
Date Published: 10/24/2008
“Faith” has a public relations problem; it’s come to mean many different things. This book attempts to clarify what it means to have a robust sense of Christian faith. why that matters, and how to develop it.
Consciousness and the Existence of God
Date Published: 11/22/2009
Consciousness and the Existence of God is a useful, single volume that reflects a synthesis of my perspective on the “argument from consciousness.”
Finding Quiet: My Story of Overcoming Anxiety and the Practices that Brought Peace
Date Published: 05/07/2019
In Finding Quiet, J. P. Moreland reveals his struggle with mental illness, how he discovered hope in the midst of it, and the tools that helped him to overcome anxiety and depression.
God Conversation
Date Published: 11/30/2007
The God Conversation is an invitation to come and be encouraged about how to converse well with others and to utilize handy illustrations in order to help people come to know what is real.