Further Recommended Resources
In the last ten years alone, there has been an explosion of information resources and training organizations intended to help people think Christianly about their world and life. Below are some "top recommended" websites for further info.
Top 20 Recommended Apologetics and Worldview Websites
- Reasonable Faith
- Stand to Reason
- Impact 360
- SeanMcDowell.com
- PaulCopan.com
- Veritas Forums
- Summit Ministries
- Maven Truth
- Come Reason Ministries
- Apologetics 315
- Acton Institute
- Ratio Christi
- LeeStrobel.com
- Apologetics.com
- Reasons to Believe
- GaryHabermas.com
- PeterKreeft.com
- BeThinking.org
- IntelligentDesign.org
- Colson Center for Christian Worldview
Top 4 Recommended Programs in Christian Philosophy and Apologetics
- Talbot’s M.A. in Philosophy
- Talbot Apologetics: M.A. in Christian Apologetics; M.A. in Science and Religion
- Palm Beach Atlantic University's M.A. in Philosophy of Religion
- Denver Seminary’s M.A. in Apologetics and Ethics
Top 3 Recommended Philosophical Organizations
- Evangelical Philosophical Society
- Society of Christian Philosophers
- Notre Dame Center for Philosophy of Religion
Top 4 Recommended Spiritual Formation Programs and Resources
- Talbot’s Institute for Spiritual Formation
- Renovare
- Dallas Willard
- Westmont's Martin Institute for Christianity and Culture